April 19th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 19th 2019 (Good Friday) (Pastor James Proeber) Isaiah 53:1-10 “What Was God Thinking?” When he crushed his Son in death When he released us from justice

April 18th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 18th 2019 (Maundy Thursday) (Pastor James Proeber) 3 Lessons  Take and eat! Take and Drink! 1. This is for you! 1 Corinthians. 11:23-25  Take and eat! Take and Drink! 2. In remembrance of me! 1 Corinthians 11:25b-26  Take and eat! Take and Drink! 3. In a worthy manner! 1 Corinthians 11:27-29

April 14th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 14th 2019 (Palm Sunday) (Pastor James Proeber) Zechariah 9:9-10 “See the King That Comes!” Righteous and with salvation Gentle and full of compassion