LWMS Spring Rally
The 2024 Spring Rally of the Lutheran Women’s Mission Society will be Saturday, March 9th at Calvary Lutheran Church in Canyon Country. Registration starts at 8:30 am, and the rally will begin at 9:00 am. The closing devotion will conclude around 2:00 pm. There is a $5.00 registration fee and a light breakfast and lunch will be offered at the church.
The guest speaker will be the pastor at Calvary, Canyon Country, Pastor Cox will share his experience as a church restart missionary. His presentation will focus on the “Andrew Plan — Come and See!”
Directions to:
Calvary Lutheran Church
19553 Calla Way,
Canyon Country, California 91351
Maps will be available at the church and carpooling will be available. Travel time is about 1.50 hours from Santa Barbara to Canyon Country.