President’s Day – Pizza and a Movie

ORLC Admin

The evening begins with pizza and salads followed by the presentation, “John Wycliffe: Morning Star” John Wycliffe lived 150 years before Martin Luther and was one of the most influential Christians of the medieval world. One of his better-known accomplishments was the first English translation of the Bible. We conclude the evening with discussion, dessert, and fellowship. Look for a …

Time of Grace — Pastor Mike Novotny

ORLC Admin

From Time of Grace, Pastor Mike Novotny will be visiting our congregation. Come join us for a light supper* beginning at 5:30 pm, followed by a program at 6:30 pm. Pastor Novotny will explain the blessings of this unique outreach ministry, and offer suggestions on how it can be shared with our friends who need to know Jesus. * RSVP …

4th of July Celebration

ORLC Admin

Movie, Barbeque & Fellowship Movie:  American Monuments: The War Memorials Our 4th of July celebration begins with the first portion of the movie followed by the barbeque/potluck. We will then watch the remainder of the movie which focuses on the World War II memorial and conclude the evening with desserts and fellowship. A sign-up sheet is available at church to …

LWMS Spring Rally

ORLC Admin

The 2024 Spring Rally of the Lutheran Women’s Mission Society will be Saturday, March 9th at Calvary Lutheran Church in Canyon Country. Registration starts at 8:30 am, and the rally will begin at 9:00 am. The closing devotion will conclude around 2:00 pm. There is a $5.00 registration fee and a light breakfast and lunch will be offered at the …

Pizza and a Movie

ORLC Admin

The evening begins with pizza and salads followed by the presentation, “John Wycliffe: Morning Star” John Wycliffe lived 150 years before Martin Luther and was one of the most influential Christians of the medieval world. One of his better-known accomplishments was the first English translation of the Bible. We conclude the evening with discussion, dessert, and fellowship. Look for a …

Ladies Christmas Cookie & Gift Exchange

ORLC Admin

Always an enjoyable evening, the Ladies of Our Redeemer will gather at Karolyn’s home for our annual Cookie and Gift Exchange. Cookies and gifts are optional. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, bring a $15 gift to exchange, or the cookie exchange, bring 3-4 dozen cookies to share. Come for a good time of fellowship and …

LA Circuit — Joint Reformation Service

ORLC Admin

The Los Angeles Circuit Joing Reformation Service will be held at St. Paul’s First, North Hollywood. Congregations from the greater Los Angeles area will join together to remember the blessings God brought to his church through the work of Martin Luther. Speaker: TBD Fellowship Meal to Follow (This is our congregation’s year to host along with Calvary Lutheran, Canyon Country) …

LWMS Fall Rally

ORLC Admin

The Fall meeting of the Golden West Circuit of the Lutheran Women’s Mission Society will be held at Zion Lutheran Church, Torrance, CA. This year’s theme is Grace — God’s Grace is Always Amazing: Reflections on Mission Work in California Our Guest Speaker will be: Rev. Steve Degner     Registration begins at 8:30 am, and the rally will run …