May 19th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

May 19th 2019 (Pastor James Proeber) Acts 13:44-52 “The Gospel Always Brings Joy!” To the repentant sinner To those who suffer conflict To those who need comfort

May 12th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

May 12th 2019 (Pastor James Proeber) Acts 13:15-16, 26-33 “God has Words of Encouragement!” Found in Jesus’ death and resurrection Found in his faithful promises

May 5th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

May 5th 2019 (Pastor Steven Degner) John 21:1-14 “Breakfast with the Risen Savior”

April 28th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 28th 2019 (Pastor James Proeber) Acts 5:29-32 “Jesus’ Resurrection Gives Us Boldness!” To proclaim the Gospel To face persecution To remain faithful

April 21st 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 21st 2019 (Easter) (Pastor James Proeber) Lessons & Readings Prologue – What are We Hoping to Find?               Luke 24:26-27  Only the King of Glory Could Free Us!                   Palm Sunday      Jesus Came to Secure Our Freedom               Matthew 21:1-11 Only the Savior’s Blood Could Cleanse Us?            Maundy Thursday      Jesus Came to Secure Our Forgiveness          Matthew 26:26-38 Only Jesus’ Death Could Rescue Us?                      Good Friday      …

April 19th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 19th 2019 (Good Friday) (Pastor James Proeber) Isaiah 53:1-10 “What Was God Thinking?” When he crushed his Son in death When he released us from justice

April 18th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 18th 2019 (Maundy Thursday) (Pastor James Proeber) 3 Lessons  Take and eat! Take and Drink! 1. This is for you! 1 Corinthians. 11:23-25  Take and eat! Take and Drink! 2. In remembrance of me! 1 Corinthians 11:25b-26  Take and eat! Take and Drink! 3. In a worthy manner! 1 Corinthians 11:27-29

April 14th 2019

ORLC AdminAudio, Sermons

April 14th 2019 (Palm Sunday) (Pastor James Proeber) Zechariah 9:9-10 “See the King That Comes!” Righteous and with salvation Gentle and full of compassion